Counseling for Disordered Eating & Body Image

I help people who don’t like their bodies and struggle with food find forever peace and freedom.

This war on your body and with food has gone on for too long.

You know you are smart, capable, and willing to do hard things, but for some reason, you can’t figure out how to “fix” your body or consistently eat the “right” food. You have tried healthy eating plans, diets, and exercise programs, but for some reason, you feel like you keep failing. Your life is good and you are successful, so why do these food and body issues keep getting in the way?

What is the deal!?!?

I get it and I have been there. The constant pressure from our culture to look a certain way and the confusing nutritional advice that seems to change every few months is exhausting. You are tired of thinking about food and holding yourself back from life because your body isn’t perfect. It’s time for something new…


Introducing Intuitive Eating

Intuitive eating is a non-diet mindfulness-based eating approach that brings eaters back to normal eating through tuning into body ques and rewiring you negative beliefs around your body and food.

Intuitive eating was developed by two dietitians 20 years ago and is based on 10 principles to guide eating mentally and physically. Over 100 studies have been done on intuitive eating and have found it to be helpful for disordered eating, chronic dieting, eating disorders and body image distress.

The most helpful example of an intuitive eater is a baby or young child. They eat when they are hungry, stop when full, sometimes eat carrots, and sometimes eat cake. But ultimately food is not a big deal because their body tells them what they need.

Intuitive eating helps eaters struggling with disordered eating, dieting, and body image issues to find peace and freedom. No more counting calories or points, no more feeling guilty about eating certain foods, no more getting on the wagon and falling off the wagon in regards to nutrition and exercise. It’s time to learn how to eat, LIVE and FIND happiness regardless of the size of your body or food you put into your mouth. You are more than a body and it’s time for true freedom.

    • Find peace with your body and food

    • Heal body image struggles

    • Ditch dieting

    • Heal emotional eating

    • Explore health at any size

    • Recover from disordered eating

    • Heal binge eating disorder

    • Find body trust

    • Find balanced and gentle nutrition without restriction

    • Discover joyful movement

    • And MORE

    • Frequent & chronic dieting/detox/healthy eating plans

    • Extreme preoccupation with weight, food, calories, fat grams and carbohydrates

    • Counting points, calories, or macros

    • Withdrawal from friends, family, and usual social activities because of food or how you feel about your body

    • Refusal to eat certain foods

    • Skipping meals

    • Cutting out or restricting certain foods or food groups

    • Extreme concern or preoccupation with body image, size or shape, feeling like you are “fat”

    • Frequently checking in the mirror for body flaws

    • Mood Swings

    • Feelings of disgust or guilt for overeating

    • Binge eating frequently and then feeling guilty and overwhelmed

    • Thinking about food all the time

    • Feeling deprived from food or foods

    • Holding yourself back from major life events because of the size or shape of your body

    • Changing clothes 10x before you feel “good enough” to leave your house

    • Feeling guilty for eating something or that you didn’t exercise today

    • Secretive Eating

    • Going out to get specific foods you do not allow yourself to have

    • Overeating to the point of extreme pain and discomfort

    • Feeling extreme guilt and shame after a binge

    • Eating to numb emotions, trauma, and other negative issues


So maybe you are asking…“Do I really need counseling for my food and body issues?”

You’re probably here because you’ve tried 1,000 things to fix these food and body issues and maybe a few have “worked” for a while, but you’ve never been able to find something that will work for the rest of your life.

Disordered eating and body image are unfortunately super complicated physiological and psychological issues. And because it’s so complicated it is probably impacting you more than you realize.

Disordered eating habits and body image issues are rooted in our diet culture, made worse by family issues, and then complicated further by our bodies aging and the pressure we all face to be a certain size and shape.

Counseling can help you untangle all the factors that are mentally, physically, and historically making peace with food and your body difficult.

The current way of working hasn’t worked, so it’s time for something different.

Encounter Counseling offers online and in-person individual and group counseling that uses researched and effective methods to help individuals end disordered eating and heal their body image. Methods used include intuitive eating, health at every size, EMDR, emotion-focused counseling, acceptance and commitment therapy & more!

If you would like to learn more about how counseling could help you schedule a free 15 minute video consultation.

I’m excited to help you feel awesome in your body and sane around food again.