5 Ways to Improve Your Body Image

Today we are talking all about body image.

Body image struggles are REAL and can be so DIFFICULT. When we look in the mirror while getting ready in the morning and if we don’t like what we see it can ruin our whole day. When we try on outfit after outfit because nothing seems to fit quite right it can be exhausting and discouraging and we haven’t even left the house.

Body image is defined as how you see yourself or how you picture yourself in your mind. It can include how you feel about your body, what you believe about your body and how you move your body.

Most women and many men struggle with body image issues. Our thin-obsessed culture makes it very difficult to accept our diverse body sizes and shapes. Statistics show that 70% of 18-30-year-old women don’t like their bodies. Body image issues lower self-esteem and lower self-esteem leads to feeling inadequate and undervaluing yourself.

Negative body image can cause:

  • low self-esteem

  • low self-worth

  • interpersonal anxiety

  • sexual intimacy issues

  • depression

  • eating disorders or disordered eating habits

  • emotional distress

Here are a few easy ways to improve your body image struggles:

1. WEED YOUR FEED. If you are an avid social media user it is very important you weed you feed of people who make you feel worse about your body. If you follow health professionals who are always posting themselves in their bikinis by the pool, or companies who want you to use their product to try and lose weight it is time to unfollow or unfriend and fill your feed with people who lift you up physically and emotionally instead of tear you down. There are tons of body positivity or more encouraging and body-realistic people to follow. If you are looking for a complete list of Body Love resources check out this post.

2. MOVE YOUR BODY. Our bodies are amazing and do amazing things for us every day. When we engage in some sort of physical activity it is a proven practice to improve body image. This activity can be anything! Walking. Yoga. Playing outside with your kids. Lifting weights. Doing an exercise class. Playing a sport. Be sure to watch your motive for movement. Move because you want to feel capable and strong in your body not because you want to lose weight.

3. TREAT YOUR BODY WITH KINDNESS. When we don’t feel good about our bodies we can have a tendency to punish our bodies in different ways. One of the ways is through eating or over-exercise. Make choices to nurture your body instead of harming it. Fill your body with nourishing food and gentle movement to work towards appreciating your body instead of being against it.

4. WATCH YOUR THOUGHTS. Notice the situations when you have the most negative body talk and begin to just be aware of those thoughts and neutralize them. We all have millions of thoughts a day and are all very prone to having negative thoughts. If you are having a negative thought about your body it does not need to define you, make you feel horrible about yourself or take negative action towards yourself. Stop giving the thoughts power and just let them float on through and find something more positive instead of taking the negative thought train all the way down.

5. BUY CLOTHES THAT FIT. Women’s bodies are often in a state of constant transition. Puberty, college, pregnancy, postpartum, menopause. Our bodies are changing often and we need to have clothes that make us feel comfortable, confident and positive about ourselves. I understand in this recommendation money can be an issue. Don’t let money be an excuse. Take a few months and save up to replace some things in your wardrobe that no longer fit. Buy used online or in stores. Host a clothing swap with your friends. Having clothes that fit and that you feel comfortable in can be an immediate mood booster. You don’t need to have a huge variety of clothes to feel really good. Pick a few of your favorite basics that you love wearing day in and day out and make it simple. The size of your clothing does not determine your worth or value. Just like the scale. It is just a number and it does not define your worth in any way.

Our bodies are amazing and a healthy body image is possible when we get our thoughts and actions on board. Body image is hard. For some, it can take a tremendous amount of personal work and growth. Simply begin by being kinder to yourself in your thoughts and actions. Your body carries you through your day everyday. Be grateful for all the things it does for you and if you are looking to make changes to your body or health always start slowly.

In body appreciation,


Encounter Counseling offers in-person counseling in Grand Junction and online counseling state-wide in Colorado including Denver, Boulder, Ft. Collins and Colorado Springs.


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