So What’s Really Involved in a Bariatric Psychological Evaluation?

An Intuitive Eating Guide on Halloween Candy for YOU and Your Kids
![Some Thoughts on Weight Watchers [From your Disordered Eating Therapist]](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/61a6b8f38a6182273e73229f/1660777173072-GAU33268FIDQXYJ4GLKO/image-asset.jpeg)
Some Thoughts on Weight Watchers [From your Disordered Eating Therapist]

Principle #2 Honor Your Hunger

Principle #1 Ditch the Diet Mentality

5 Ways to Improve Your Body Image

The *BEST* Intuitive Eating & Body Love Resources

Eating Disorders 101

19 Reasons to Ditch Dieting