Why Counseling? Series Part 1: Counseling Misconceptions
Encounter Counseling Center provides comprehensive counseling services to individuals and couples with a variety of needs and difficulties. If you have never been to counseling before you may have a lot of questions, apprehensions or even fears about the whole counseling process. You many be wondering why would anyone go to counseling? Can it really help me? If I go to counseling does that mean I’m crazy? Is counseling really going to help? Join me in a 3 part series called Why Counseling? where we are going to explore the misconceptions of counseling, why counseling is a good idea and what to expect during counseling process. You can find part 2 here and part 3 here.
The first blog in this series addresses the misconceptions about counseling. Hopefully this will give you a good idea of what counseling is not and will lead to our next blog in this series about why counseling is a good idea.
1. If I go to counseling then I must be “crazy.” I want to make this first one very clear. If you choose to go to counseling it DOES NOT mean you are crazy. The movies and pop culture have really added to this unfortunate misconception. Counseling is quite honestly normal and many people have been through the counseling process at some point in their life or their marriage they just don’t talk about it. By taking the step to go to counseling you are actually saying “I recognize I might need a little help with this,” which is the opposite of crazy; it's smart.
2. Counseling is only for people in crisis. Counseling is NOT only for people who are in crisis. Counseling is for anyone who has an area of life or a relationship they want to improve. Sometimes a personal or relational crisis might bring someone to counseling, but it is not the only topic addressed in counseling. Counseling is safe place for anyone regardless of their life situation.
3. Counseling is only for people with mental health struggles. Counseling is NOT only for people with mental health struggles. Treating mental illness is one aspect of what counselors do and why people go to counseling but again it isn’t the only thing. Counseling is for anyone and everyone. It is for people who feel stuck or overwhelmed or stressed. It is for you and me.
4. Counseling is a last resort. Often many people believe counseling is unnecessary unless things are really bad. It is true sometimes people come in to counseling as a last ditch effort to save their marriage or to work on an area of their life they are completely tired of trying to figure out on their own. Counseling is a safe place to explore anything troubling, concerning or holding you back from your greatest potential.
5. If I go to counseling then I’m weak and unable to handle life on my own. Going to counseling is one of the bravest steps people can take in their life. It is the opposite of weak. It is humbling to recognize you can’t do everything on your own and courageous to let another person into your story.
Counseling truly is for everyone. We are all humans, we all have problems and we sometimes need a fresh pair of eyes and ears to help us get unstuck. I hope this list debunks some of the common misconceptions about counseling and really makes you feel at ease if counseling is something you have been thinking about. Tune in next time for the second part in the Why Counseling? series “Why Counseling is a Good Idea.” If you have believed one of these misconceptions and find yourself stuck call and make an appointment or send us an email, we can help.
Encounter Counseling Center offers Quality Individual, Couples & Christian Counseling services in Grand Junction.